Acre Books Blog

An Interview with Lisa Ampleman

An Interview with Lisa Ampleman

Acre’s Lisa Ampleman talks about her multifaceted roles as a poet and editor, her creative process, and the inspirations behind her third full-length collection, MOM IN SPACE.

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Rob McLennan: 12 or 20 Questions with Ian Stansel

Rob McLennan: 12 or 20 Questions with Ian Stansel

We’re very lucky to be blessed with another fantastic interview of an Acre author. This time it’s Ian Stansel, whose superb, haunting collection Glossary for the End of Days was released last September. Click here (or the image) to read his engrossing conversation...

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An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 3

An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 3

Nicola Mason: Because the book involves time travel, there are two Aarons and two Violets (what one reviewer calls a ménage à quatre). As readers, we are privy to the thoughts of both Violets—the impassioned musician in 1988 and the frazzled mother of two in 2006....

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An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 2

An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 2

Nicola Mason: In your essay “A Phenomenology of Fiction,” you describe how modern philosophy and quantum physics undergird not just your characters’ perceptions but your writing methodology as well. I was particularly struck by Christopher Tilley’s treatment of...

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An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 3

An Interview with Thomas Legendre, Part 1

Nicola Mason: In Keeping Time, Aaron is an archaeologist—and American expat in Scotland—and his knowledge of Neolithic sites and rituals derives in large part from your script-writing research for Half Life, an environmental art event (taking place across a hundred...

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Nancy Au on And the Next Thing You Know!

Nancy Au on And the Next Thing You Know!

Nancy Au and Suzie ShermanNancy Au, author of last year’s Spider Love Song and Other Stories, got together with And the Next Thing You Know host Suzie Sherman to record the most recent episode of the podcast. Featured in this installment are some deep conversations...

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An Interview with Au’s Cover Artist

An Interview with Au’s Cover Artist

Curious about our covers? Find out more about artist Monica Canilao‘s beautiful paper quilt, featured on the cover of Spider Love Song and Other Stories. Author Nancy Au interviews the artist: Nancy Au: What first inspired you to create this paper quilt? Monica...

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