Here at Acre we’re cantering along.
Our designer, Barbara Bourgoyne, is prepping files for our first single-author title, T. R. Hummer’s After the Afterlife, for the printer. Yep, we are running ahead of schedule and will have copies sooner than our pub date. This should be reflected on Amazon shortly, and we’ll give a shout when the collection is available for preorder.
Tech maestro Ben Dudley is putting final touches on the trailer for Hummer’s thirteenth—!—volume of poems. We’ll be premiering the video in a week or so.
Poetry editor Danielle Deulen, who just moved into a new old—possibly haunted—house, is scouting manuscripts to bring out on our Fall 2018 list.
And Nicola Mason is working with a couple of authors on revising their books for possible publication. She’s also in the thick of copyediting Michael Downs’s forthcoming (May) novel about the historical figure, surgeon dentist Horace Wells, who changed medicine with his discovery that nitrous oxide could eradicate pain during dental procedures. Tomorrow, look for a passage with commentary here in the Lounge!