Keeping Time
The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons

We were disappointed alongside our authors when the COVID-19 pandemic forced venues to cancel countless readings and other in-person events, and at first, virtual meetings seemed a paltry replacement. However, six or so months in, we’ve seen the many amazing things that have been created, observed, and accomplished by a group of people even if they are separated by great distances. In the literary world, making do is what we do. With that being said, neither of these upcoming events should be described as “making do”; both are intriguing and inviting in their own right. We hope to see you “there”!

September 15: Reading Plus Q&A with Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers (7:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom Link)

Rogers will read from her collection The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons and answer questions from audience members.

September 17: Creative Archaeology – Finding the Present in the Past with Thomas Legendre (11:00 a.m. EDT, free but registration required)

From the website: “In this free online event, Thomas Legendre will discuss how prehistoric landscapes, as well as archaeology itself, can be understood imaginatively and “actively” without losing sight of key details, evidence, and established features of archaeological sites.

“How do these places become “personal” to us?

“How does the past become present, and the present past?

“We’ll journey to Kilmartin Glen to explore the recreative process in both fact and fiction. There will be a short reading from Keeping Time, a bit of music, and plenty of time for questions and discussion.”

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